Ensuring Safety and Well-Being in Every Work Experience Placement - Changing Education
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Ensuring Safety and Well-Being in Every Work Experience Placement

Prioritising Health & Safety In Work Experience


At The Changing Education Group, the safety and well-being of students participating in work experience programmes are our highest priorities.

We understand that a positive work placement is about more than just practical experience—it’s about creating a secure environment where students can thrive, learn, and grow with confidence.

As the trusted bridge between education and industry, we’re committed to safeguarding every student who steps into a work placement.

This means going above and beyond to ensure that each placement is not only valuable in terms of career development but also meets rigorous health and safety standards.


Why Does Health And Safety Compliance Matter?

Work experience is a pivotal moment in a student’s journey towards their future career, offering them real-world insights and opportunities to develop essential skills.

However, none of this matters if the placement isn’t safe.

Without proper precautions, students could be exposed to risks that can impact both their physical safety and their learning experience.

At The Changing Education Group, we believe that students deserve the best preparation for their careers in environments that are secure and conducive to learning.

That’s why every work experience placement undergoes a thorough health and safety compliance check before students even set foot on-site.

This rigorous approach gives both students and their schools peace of mind, knowing that each placement is a safe and supportive space for personal and professional development.


How Can We Safeguard Students On Placement?

Our commitment to student safety goes far beyond basic compliance.

We take a proactive, comprehensive approach to ensuring that each work placement meets our stringent safety standards:

Rigorous Risk Assessments:

Before a student is placed with an employer, our team conducts a detailed risk assessment. This process involves evaluating the workplace environment, identifying potential hazards, and ensuring that all necessary precautions are in place. We assess everything from equipment safety to emergency protocols, ensuring that students will be working in environments free from preventable risks.

Collaborating With Employers:

Safeguarding students is a collaborative effort. We work closely with employers to ensure they are aware of and comply with all necessary safety requirements. This includes discussing the specifics of each placement, understanding the tasks students will be involved in, and making sure there are measures in place to keep students safe at all times. Employers play a critical role in student safety, and we’re here to support them every step of the way.

Ongoing Monitoring:

Ensuring safety doesn’t stop once the student is on-site. We continue to monitor placements throughout their duration to make sure everything remains in compliance with health and safety guidelines. This ongoing oversight allows us to address any concerns that may arise promptly, ensuring that students’ safety remains uncompromised.


What Are The Benefits Of A Safe Learning Environment?

When students feel safe, they are free to focus on what truly matters: learning, growing, and gaining the experience they need to succeed in their future careers.

A secure environment fosters confidence, allowing students to take on new challenges without fear or hesitation.

Additionally, ensuring safety creates a positive partnership between schools and employers, allowing everyone involved to trust that the placement will be a beneficial experience for all.

Partnering For Safe, Meaningful Experiences

At The Changing Education Group, we don’t just place students in work environments—we create meaningful, safe learning experiences that set them up for future success.

Our dedicated team works tirelessly to ensure that every placement meets the highest standards of health and safety, so you can trust that your students are in good hands.

We know how important it is to provide students with hands-on learning opportunities, and we’re here to make sure those opportunities are safe, impactful, and beneficial for all involved.

Ready To Make Safe Work Experience A Reality?

If you’re looking to provide students with enriching work placements while ensuring their safety, we’re here to help.

Contact us today to learn more about how our comprehensive risk assessments and health and safety protocols can give you peace of mind.

Together, we can create safe and meaningful work experiences that prepare students for bright futures.


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Podcast #10
Reflecting on the Past Year
Date and Time
Tue, January 11, 2022 5:30 PM – 6:30 PM EET
Location Online event