Joey Gamper-Cuthbert from SportCheer England explains how being open to opportunities can kick start your career journey! - Changing Education
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Joey Gamper-Cuthbert from SportCheer England explains how being open to opportunities can kick start your career journey!


Joey is the Chair of the NGB for Cheerleading and she explains in her Changing Education Sector Spotlight Video to help #inspirefutureleaders that she actually did ???a bunch of stuff that accidentally brought her here???.??

She has worked in various industries including dance, theatre, television, film, sport and sports coaching.??

Joey initially started training professionally as a Dancer but her training was cut short due to a serious injury where at the time she was told she would never dance again.??

Understandably, she was upset and disillusioned about what she would do next but then a chance meeting with ???a man on the street??? led her to starting a job as a Runner in the Film and TV Industry. From there she worked hard, impressed Producers and has been involved in various TV Programmes including Eastenders and The Bill.??

She did go back into dance and completed her training years later but because of her experience she then had many more opportunities at her feet including Choreography in the film industry.??

Her encouragement to students is about taking opportunities as and when they come up. She says ???look for opportunities and when you get them grab them with both hands???.

She goes on to say that networking is crucial. ???Find out who people are and who can help you then introduce yourself???.

Another useful tip is to use this time to research online all the amazing jobs, opportunities and chances that are out there she says. ???I had no idea about television production until I bumped into a man on the street when I was crying???.

You can watch Joey???s story on her Sector Spotlight Video here.??



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Podcast #10
Reflecting on the Past Year
Date and Time
Tue, January 11, 2022 5:30 PM – 6:30 PM EET
Location Online event