Schools and Students Striving for Sustainability - Changing Education
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Schools and Students Striving for Sustainability

Schools across the UK are doing wonderful things to contribute to ongoing sustainability, conservation and a greener planet. From eco-councils, to school farms and championing careers in Green Renewable Energy

Sustainability activities within schools

The Writhlington School Orchid Project has been running for an incredible 30 years. This initiative see’s students cultivate orchids, participate in expeditions to biodiverse habitats, and engage in scientific research. Students propagate orchids from seed, manage a greenhouse divided into climate zones, and showcase their plants at various shows. The project also funds student expeditions to countries like Rwanda, and Laos. 

The multi-award winning project offers remarkable research opportunities, with students collaborating with partner scientists all over the globe. This project showcases how schools can contribute to conservation and provide students with hands-on learning.

‘School students can effectively teach and inspire adults working to make a difference in education, conservation, or just growing better plants.’ – Simon Pugh-Jones MBE

All Hallows Catholic College has their very own Eco-Council, where students meet on a regular basis to discuss issues ranging from single use plastics and litter, to how they can make sustainability improvements to the surrounding area of Macclesfield with the help of local partnering schools. 

For those lucky enough to have a school farm, students are learning the value of the ‘field to fork’ process around where food comes from. Reddish Vale High School is one of these lucky schools, who are making the most of the benefits including running a Farm Club. ‘Young people need to be fully aware of the world around them and have the understanding of the ‘field to fork’ process with food. Farms develop links to lots of different subjects and can greatly enhance learning.’

The future of Green Energy Careers

Students considering their future careers can be inspired by the activities they partake in at school, and when thinking about their next steps ‘the opportunities will be diverse and many people will be able to switch between roles and across sectors adding to their skills as they move.’ Check out Morrisby’s guide for those looking to pursue a career in sustainability: Careers in Sustainability & the Green Economy

Sector Spotlight: Green Energy Careers with EY-Parthenon

Our Careers Adviser Cynthia spoke with Charlie Simpson at EY-Parthenon, who highlighted the necessity of recruiting the next generation into careers which will help us achieve Net Zero targets. You can watch Charlie Simpson discuss what’s involved in these types of careers here: 

We’d love to hear what activities your school has in place to encourage enthusiasm for sustainability! Let’s help schools continue to create valuable projects and activities to support a brighter future. 


Supporting student pathways

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Podcast #10
Reflecting on the Past Year
Date and Time
Tue, January 11, 2022 5:30 PM – 6:30 PM EET
Location Online event